A CMO is the Chief Marketing Officer for an enterprise. The CMO’s role owns the leadership of the customer journey from targeted discovery through engagement, conversion, and lifetime value (LTV)
In the years since John Wanamaker’s famous quote:
“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.”
analytics platforms have reached a level of sophistication that eliminates any excuse for such sentiments. The advancements that have made dynamic engagement and attribution from digital signals possible have led to Marketing and IT responsibilities becoming so intertwined at the leadership level that today’s CMO may easily be mistaken for the Chief Technology Officer.
SMB’s (Small and mid-sized businesses), without the budget for a full-time Chief Marketing Officer, are at a tremendous disadvantage to the growing number of Amazon-like online marketplaces. This disparity is why many SMB’s are considering a part-time CMO
Local brands that have survived on instore sales and bricks & mortar foot traffic need to adapt to the new normal
Your Part-Time CMO can help.
In an online marketplace, knowledge is a competitive advantage. It is no longer acceptable to judge the deployment of marketing dollars against vanity metrics. We will set you up with a modern marketing solution that leverages automation and optimization to deliver results at a fraction of the cost.